1. Granted he took a back seat to Fitzgerald (everyone WR in the league did), I feel he's always been some what of a #2 (which we basically already have 2 of).
2. I hope we can get Heyward-bey, but after his sick performance at the combine I dunno if he'll stick around long enough for us to snatch him. Despite this fact I think we can either pick up someone else who can grow with Flacco, & I would rather take my chances with some young blood rather than spend all my money on some older #2.
3. Give that extra money to keep Suggs!! The Turtle deserves it. I know you're just trying to be business men just in case he gets real injured but doesn't he deserve the long term pay he's works for everey game?!?!
Having said all this I still trust Newsome's descision making skills, he hasn't steered us too wrong thus far, so whatever he goes. Let me know Ozzie.